Title: Take Me Away Character: Puck/Rachel Summary: Puck joins the Berrys on a gay cruise for the holidays. A tradition is born. For sunnykerr. Word Count: 3,000 Disclaimer: Don't own.
Title: Ready Or Not Character: Puck/Rachel Summary: Puck is a college hockey player and Rachel goes to a game during a much-needed break from studying. For starfishdancer. Word Count: 1,700 Disclaimer: Don't own.
Title: I Just Want You For My Own Chapter: 1/1 Pairing: Nate/Serena Summary: I'm just gonna keep on waiting, underneath the mistletoe. For
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Title: And I Had But One Penny In The World Chapter: 1/1 Character: Jake/Marley Summary: She's humming along to We Three Kings and he doesn't really want to interrupt her. Post-Thanksgiving. For earnmysong. Disclaimer: Don't own.
Title: I Ain't Too Proud Pairing: Puck/Rachel Prompt: Oh so kiss him again/Just to prove to me that you can/And I will stand here/And burn in my skin For: nova802 Disclaimer: Don't own.
Title: The Sky Turns Black From Blue Pairing: Tyler/Caroline Prompt: drink up, baby, look at the stars, I'll kiss you again, between the bars For: stainofmylove Disclaimer: Don't own.
Title: What Are You Doing (For The Rest of Your Life)? Pairing: Finn/Rachel Prompt: Spending Christmas and Hanukkah with their families senior year. For:
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